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Rejuvenating Our Church

Fw: Lets ALL move Gods Kingdom forward! That is what Jesus asked us to pray about (Matthew 6:9,10). This helpful information is being passed on to ALL the world. Pass it on to many others.

Christianity Has Gone Down in Our World

Are you willing to help move God’s Kingdom forward and transform our world?

God hopes YOU are willing to work hard to rebuild His Church and help our Country AND the World move forward. One of the reasons why Christianity has gone down so much is that many of His people have not been obeying ALL of God’s commands. Jesus said:

“Not everyone who calls me Lord will enter the Kingdom of Heaven, but only he who DOES the will of my Father”. Matthew 7:21

“Make disciples…teach them to obey EVERYTHING that I have commanded”. Matthew 28:19,20

The church leaders need to set an example and work hard to make disciples.

“Set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity.” I Timothy 4:12

Read I Peter 5:1-5.

“Be shepherds…watching over them”

God’s greatest command is to live a life of LOVE for ALL family members and for ALL of our Church members. Another important command is to practice hospitality so we can grow close to our church members. And we are commanded to reach out and share the gospel with many people. ALL of these commands will bless the church. If we don’t obey all of God’s commands, then our world will suffer. None of us are perfect, but we must press on and strain toward what is ahead. (Philippians 3:12-14)

I have visited many churches in the last few years. Many churches are going down and not growing. But I have visited a few churches that are growing amazingly. One of them had over 2,000 members and another church I visited in another state had over 30,000 members! They added a few more church buildings. I listened to a sermon from them about LOVE which is God’s greatest commandment! And these growing churches let the members know that they must reach out to church members and practice hospitality EVERY week! And they shared that 30 more people became Christians in the last month. These are the most important commands, and they obviously help churches grow well. Read Acts 2:27- 47! It shows us how God’s church BEGAN and that’s how churches will grow and mature!

Let’s ALL advance God’s Kingdom!

I put together a website to help more people become Christians and to help Christians move forward more and more. It shows what LOVE actually is.

This website begins with a gospel message to help bring many more people into God’s Kingdom. It shares how God created this world and how God created us. And it shares how God loves us and how He has provided forgiveness through his son, Jesus. It also explains how we can become Christians- we must turn away from sin and follow God’s commands. At the end of the website, I added some of God’s most important commands to help us grow and mature. Look through the website and consider sharing it with MANY people so more people will become Christians and so more Christians will benefit from being reminded of God’s messages. You can share this website with many people but add YOUR Church information and let people contact YOU so they can be born again. You won’t have to pay anything if you want to use it and pass it on with YOUR church. Share it with your fellow believers so they can take some steps forward and so they can share this with many more people. Let’s pray that Gods Kingdom will come and his will be done. Read and pray continually from Matthew 6:10.

Another reason why God’s Kingdom has not been doing well is that many believers have separated from each other. It would be good if we could work to have more unity with other believers.

Jesus said, “I pray for those who believe in me…that ALL of them may be one…May they be brought to COMPLETE UNITY” John 17:20-23

Let’s read and obey ALL of Gods commands and be willing to make some changes. We should consider meeting with some other church leaders and discuss God’s word and pray together. UNITY will bless our world.

A final thought about how we can spread God’s word, we need to reach out to YOUNGER people. Teenagers and people in their 20’s and 30’s would be more open to the gospel. Consider training and hiring young people to reach out to many more young people.

Consider passing on this information to MANY other churches. You can pass on my information, or you can create your own material.

Let’s ALL work hard to help build up God’s Kingdom!



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